The sender's message will be shown in white text. My commentary will be shown in purple text.
So here we go.
Serah, my sister! I went through a similar experience with a High Priestess and kept having bad luck until I found Theagenics. I suspect we're not alone either. And yes, I know full well I am giving you my energy, but I also know that I am CHOOSING to do so and regard it as a gift. Anyway, I have some words for Witch Bitch Marcy who obviously doesn't know her ass from her armpit and ends up making all of us non-Wiccan witches look bad. Her four little rules of witchcraft are water under the bridge by now, and are indicative (as you pointed out) of someone speaking only from book learning. Witchcraft is freedom--there's no one set of rules to fly by, and anybody who tells you otherwise is either brainwashed or brain dead. I could say more about the other letters you've posted, but that one irked me. I cannot abide by anyone having a holier-than-thou attitude, and especially not in witchcraft. As for your page, you've obviously studied the Wiccan community very careful. You make two excellent points. I think you're right on about touching upon a tender nerve. I also think you're right that any true Wiccan deep in their faith (read: a Wiccan who doesn't put it on like a cloak) will see the humor and the lesson in what you have written. You're an asset to the occult community, and I wish you and Kevin all of the best.Indigo
So you think there are a lot of us out there still suffering from negative run-ins with the Wiccan elite, eh? Maybe that's another page all it's own, I don't know. As for Marcy Witch Bitch (that's great!) I haven't given her much thought as she seemed a little fucked in the head. But this I can vow--Marcy is NOT exemplary of non-Wiccan witches. I know of no such witches personally with such regimented minds. Maybe she ought to go back to witch boot camp. And also, I think you're right about genuine Wiccans--they're probably as put out by the nonsense as I am. A few of the letters below illustrate the good humor of real Wiccans. As for you, Indigo, Kevin and I both extend our thanks for your well wishes.
I happened to run accross your page, and I have to say that I thought it was hilarious! I am Wiccan, and a high priestess, but you make some good points! Hats off to you! Blessed Be! LOL! Nimue
Well, Nimue, my hat goes off to you too. Thank you for having a sense of humor and the wit to take this page in the spirit intended. I somehow seriously doubt that any of my points about Wiccans apply to you.
I find it interesting that you give your power away so freely. Why would you bother sharing your beliefs with anybody since the only one that it matters to truely is yourself? You may have been wiccan at one time, but a witch I doubt. To know, to dare, to will, to keep silent. Later. Marcy
Ouch, it's the bane of my existence--a witch on auto-pilot! I'm impressed that you were able to quote the four essentials of witchcraft--what book did you have open on your lap at the time? By the way, I don't recall saying anything about my BELIEFS, just my THOUGHTS. I doubt that anybody who comes to the site has any idea what I actually believe (unless they know me already). Self-righteous pricks with broomsticks shoved up their asses contribute more energy to the site and to myself than they could ever claim. And hey...didn't you just waste your own energy in 1) reading my page, 2) giving the page any thought, and 3) writing to me even though to do so is not advised? What was that "to keep silent" part again? Hey, it's your paradigm, not mine!
hey, saw your page and laughed my ass off. most of what you say is true from what i know. i recently began the waiting a year and a day thing, which does seem pretty damn stupid, and i figure that before their peace and harmony through burning herbs and chanting to trees completely rots my mind i should get some input from somebody such as yourself. basically i think christianity is a truckload of shit that is taken way too seriously to be taken seriously by anyone who has a mind of their own.
one of my friends is wiccan, so i got involved and crap, and some of it is pretty cool, but alot of it isn't, and is a glorified kindergarten imagination game. what i am really wondering is if you were once a wiccan priestess, or almost a wiccan priestess, what do you believe in now? i didn't believe in anything before i became an initiate, and am open to suggestions of other religions to study, though since i do not believe in christianity in any sense, i seriously doubt that i could believe in it's counterpart, satanism.-Cade-
First of all, thank you for having a sense of humor. It's a precious commodity these days. As for your questions, well, I'd prefer not to go into details. I will say that I am a full initiate in a Wiccan tradition (I found out they don't take back initiations--damn). If I hadn't had my personal wake up call, I'd probably still be wandering around with my head up my ass just like the sheep of any religion. Anymore, I avoid involvement in religion and travel under the label of humanist. I still experience everything I loved about Wicca--the natural thrill of it all--without any of the headaches and ego-clashes.
"Deficient In Da Brain I See"
It's people like you that make me think there aren't enough abortions in the world.
My response to
>Well if your so high and mighty, what do you beleive in. I guess >it's that fictional charecture JESUS or maybe even GOD.
I'm not high at the moment, thanks, but I am rather mighty. If you had two neurons to rub together, you would have seen on the page that "By the way, I have no spiritual affiliation per se. My biggest influences have been Anton LaVey, "The Matrix", Taoism, quantum physics, Plato, Kurt Vonnegut, and Jean-Paul Sartre. Take that for what you will, I leave it up to you." Apparently this isn't simple enough, I presume. Tough shit. >Are you a stunned bitch or what.
That was the name of my last band, Stunned Bitch. By the way, do you have any plans to master the question mark? >You sit here and say the wiccans are not >right but who the fuck are you to say whether they are right or >wrong.What if it happens to be they are right and all these bible >thumping fucks called christians are wrong then what.What will you >do when your so called GOD doesn't show up on your final day.What >are you going to do then?
Uh, the Wiccans and the Christians have something in common as far as I'm concerned--they're both fucked in the head and they're both hypocrites. If you read my page and was somehow under the impression that I myself am Christian, you're dumber than a spoon. >Cry like a fucking baby for someone, >anyone to help you, yes even the wiccans. I only cry out in orgiastic ecstasy. >See personally I don't >beleive in god or wicca or buddah or anything but I'm not sitting >here on the www knocking peoples hope for the one thing that just >might give them some hope to get through that next day.
Good for you. Give yourself a gold star, because no one else will. >So who the >fuck are you to knock them?
I am Serah Ashe, Uberfrau and Lady of the Left-Hand Path. It's open season, asshole, and my rifle's cocked and ready. >Try looking into your own religion first >and you just might find out that maybe the wiccans are not to far >from the truth about the forces around us.
Brother, let me tell you a quick story.
I used to be a Wiccan until I could no longer stand the stench of falsity in my nostrils and the acid taste of hypocrisy in my mouth. This was over ten years ago, so I'm no Johnny-cum-lately. Would you understand if I told you I felt it my duty to humanity to put up a page that was totally un-PC but right from my heart? Nah, you probably wouldn't.
Well, thank you for the target practice. Most people know better than to try and write me. But then again, you're an idiot.
I found your website, Why wiccans are irritating,and was amazed that you would have recieved the amount of responses you say you have. If this is true I was wondering if you would like to add a little more information to your page. I have studied the evolution of religions and their origins for more than twenty years.I have then compared them to the many changes of the Earths cycles, predictions of the infamous over history and the uprising of particular religions in relation to these changing cycles. If you would look at this in terms of male/ female denomination rites, Wiccan and Paganism emerged at a time in history when there was tremendous power within the patriarchial system. This I believe brought about a balance of male/female energy once again in the Earths cycles. At first this religion was purely female and has evolved in more recent decades to include males. There is now a shift in humanity which shows an uprising of female energy once again and there is a danger that the patriarchial system may be at a point of collaspse. Instead of producing a harmony within humanity, it may now swing completely in the opposite direction.There is a need to balance energies of male/female but it is not through God and Goddess, but rather through Mother Earth and the Universe. If there are others out there who are interested in learning about the Earths energy system please include my email address. Thankyou for your time, K.T.Welsh.
You know, I spent a good deal of time in academia myself. I still can't figure out what this person is trying to tell me.
I also don't understand why such a well-educated person would waste their valuable time analyzing a page that hasn't even found a permanent home yet.
I LOVE IT! This page is great. I am wiccan, though not a wise one . I keep a "wiccan household" sign above my door to keep other religion peddlers away from it. They see the word Wicca and RUN! I love quiet. In my family there is Jehovah, Mormon, Catholic and Baptist, and we've learned to keep God outside the door. Except my aunt Barbara who is 93. She opens her mouth and my aunt Clara (89) tells Barbs "shut the fuck up!" I have a friend in S.C, who wants to open a wiccan school! No, I won't be attending. But I do honestly love your page. Keep up the good work!
What can I say? This person obviously has excellent taste.
I just read over your page, and though I do not agree with all of it, some of it is extreamly accurate. I am Wiccan, somewhat newly so. But I assure you, I do not go around pretending that I am all wise, and what not else. I believe that I am a normal human teenager, I do not think anything else. I just do not believe the same as the majority. I do not judge people on their beliefs, and hope that they do not do so to me. I sincerely hope that you do not believe that all wiccans are so annoying, some of us really arent. Its nice to see someone tell what they think without worrying about what others have to say. I commend you on doing so. And, though it may be offensive to me and friends of mine, I hope that you continue to do it. Dont let anyone hold you down, and good luck in the
You don't know how good it makes me feel to hear from someone who takes the page as it was intended to be taken. You might be starting the Wiccan road to wisdom, but your open mind indicates to me that you're already well on your way.
Well, that's all I have for now. I'm sure I'll have more fun to share soon!